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Day 11: HSH Interior Renovation Update Part 2

It is 4pm...The plumber was a no show today...Went to Home Depot to get temporary ceiling light fixtures, bulbs and a saw blade so John can cut the floor board to use in the masterbedroom. The interior designer we were considering on using has not called John back so tomorrow, my mission is to go to another lighting store in town and look for permanent light fixtures. The crown and corner molding in the bathroom is completely done!! Next, the plumber has to come in and do his work, then the guy who did the woodwork in the bathroom will come in and finish up the area where the sink, hot water heater and washer connections will go. Then by next week, the shower will be installed, the claw bathtub comes out of the bathroom to be sandblasted or a version thereof, painted, sealed and the claw feet painted gold. Turns out the octagon tiles for the floor will be a little harder to get than intially thought. Another slight delay but that is ok. Looks like we will be using a lighting company in Macon if none of the locals hold out. Potential money in their pockets they won't be getting. Took a couple of pictures of the bathroom with the crown molding complete.

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