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Day 13: HSH Interior Renovation Update

Warm, partly sunny day in Dublin today. It is 82 degrees and a little on the humid side. There is a pleasant south wind blowing in. I feel like driving to Savannah for the day and hanging out on River street with Lady, my dog, while the renovations wind down. I took Lady to Savannah a couple of times. She loved chasing the pigeons on river street and just laying in the sun watching the huge cargo ships come in. The plumbers finally are here today. Not sure what they are doing at the moment. Hopefully, what they have to do won't take too long. There is a 30% chance of rain today. So far so good. Once the bathroom plumbing is upgraded, then the re-bath guy comes back in finishes up his work, then the hot water heater goes in along with my washer and dryer. All the temporary lighting fixtures are in. The inspector was here this morning. He said he cannot do anything until Georgia power turns on the lights. Once the lighting passes inspection then we are good. The heating and air guys are still working on duct work. There is alot that goes into putting central air and heat in a house that never had it. This house has not had upgraded anything in over 30 years. Gary's trailer is emptied out. All my stuff is back in the GWTW room organized in a square so John can work on the baseboards at a later time. The permanent lighting fixtures except for the ceiling fans we have agreed upon. The ceiling fans that we need for the master bedroom and his office have to be a blade width of 60' or more with a 14 degree pitch mim because of the 12 foot ceilings and the huge windows. Anything else would be decoration. We want functionality. I have picked out the ceiling fans I want and John has too..We have to special order all of the ceiling fans. We don't want the same thing everyone else has or what you can find at the usual superstores. The baseboards are installed in the masterbedroom except the top trimwork which John will put in later. Lady is resting after playing with Max for awhile. He is an 85 lb Doberman with a very loud bark. Pure muscle and intimidating looking to the average person. Max is the only Doberman with the 'undone' ears in Dublin that I know of. He is a beautiful dog. He is very playful but can bite if he feels threatened. He is 3 years old and protects us. He has several different barks and I recognize them. Good doggie, Max :)....When he plays with Lady, he knows how far he can go with her. She is an alpha female and he is an alpha, unneutered male. It has taken the two dogs 6 solid months together to trust each other. Now they are best buddies. Max has a tendancy to get a little rough with Lady...Lady does the mohawk, curls her lips up like she is going to bite Max and lets him know he needs to stop. Lady looks like a big bad wolf sometimes. When I take her collar off at night, she looks like a sleak black panther. She is a sweet, loving dog. For a dog of 13 years, she does quite well. She runs and plays but tires easily. Right now she is resting on her dog bed asleep for her afternoon nap. So is Max. I am counting down the days when bathroom will look like something out of the early 20th century. The claw bathtub will be refinished with the beautiful chrome fixtures and gold claw feet with a glistening matching pedestal sink with those old white and chrome fashioned hot/cold faucet knobs and new toilet. The shower will be quite nice also. With the gray marble look, very simple and chrome fixtures. We are having small white octagon tiles laid on the floor. They are on special order. John basically let me pick out everything for this house so far with very few exceptions. This project is alot of work but also fun. More later. Stay tuned.

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