What a beautiful day in Dublin today. Bright, deep blue skies without a hint of what is to be an outbreak of severe storms heading in our direction from the west in just a few hours from now. Just a couple of hours ago, I saw twinkling stars but very breezy conditions, a hint of what is to come. The spring storms are coming to hopefully wash away all the pollen that has been flying through the air and landing on everything, turning to light shades of yellow/green. So we plan to stay safe here at the Hardy Smith House and hopefully not experience anything like my northern friends have gone through.
The first wednesday of every month in major cities and towns across Georgia, the severe storm siren testing is conducted. When I lived in Alpharetta, the testing lasted probably around 3-5 minutes and occurred around noon. Here in Dublin, the testing occurs around 9 am and lasts for a minute or two. So this wednesday, April 6th, you will hear another test. These tests are to educate the public of what to listen for if outside or in the vicinity of the listening area. When the sirens are blaring, that means bad weather is on the way, such as severe thunderstorms with dangerous cloud to ground lightning, hail and damaging winds with the potential for the development of tornadoes so take shelter and or other safety measures. When the barometric pressure drops, you know something is about to change such as an approaching storm..While the approach of bad storms may be fascinating to watch, always take all the necessary precautions to stay safe and out of harms way.
Beautiful azaleas lining a walkway across from Stubbs Park. The small white azaleas I planted last fall near the basement are full of white beautiful blooms.
It will take many decades for our azaleas to look like the huge pink and white ones. The two pink azalea bushes that nearly burned up in the hot sun last year, John transplanted them to the shade of the basement area and they are coming back. They may bloom later this summer.
Our only neighbor, Ms Townsend from across the street, gave us a lovely potted mini rose bush late last summer that I planted last fall near the white azalea bushes in the back part of the house. Today, I discovered one beautiful fushia pink rose. Looks like I chose the perfect location for this rose bush to thrive and grow.
Today, we went to our local hardware store to purchase corner and top molding for the "Gone With The Wind' room. The corner molding for all 4 corners of the room are in place with the exception of the top molding, the gold, gilded molding that will be put back in place below it, the floor board trim, then the fun part begins...the painting! A sign in the front window of the hardware store caught my eye, I could not help but take a picture...
Next week, new dirt will be brought into the front yard so the planting of new grass in the bare spots can begin. Be on the look out for updates. That is all for now that is going on at the Hardy Smith house. Keep checking back for more developments coming soon.
The first wednesday of every month in major cities and towns across Georgia, the severe storm siren testing is conducted. When I lived in Alpharetta, the testing lasted probably around 3-5 minutes and occurred around noon. Here in Dublin, the testing occurs around 9 am and lasts for a minute or two. So this wednesday, April 6th, you will hear another test. These tests are to educate the public of what to listen for if outside or in the vicinity of the listening area. When the sirens are blaring, that means bad weather is on the way, such as severe thunderstorms with dangerous cloud to ground lightning, hail and damaging winds with the potential for the development of tornadoes so take shelter and or other safety measures. When the barometric pressure drops, you know something is about to change such as an approaching storm..While the approach of bad storms may be fascinating to watch, always take all the necessary precautions to stay safe and out of harms way.
Beautiful azaleas lining a walkway across from Stubbs Park. The small white azaleas I planted last fall near the basement are full of white beautiful blooms.
It will take many decades for our azaleas to look like the huge pink and white ones. The two pink azalea bushes that nearly burned up in the hot sun last year, John transplanted them to the shade of the basement area and they are coming back. They may bloom later this summer.
Our only neighbor, Ms Townsend from across the street, gave us a lovely potted mini rose bush late last summer that I planted last fall near the white azalea bushes in the back part of the house. Today, I discovered one beautiful fushia pink rose. Looks like I chose the perfect location for this rose bush to thrive and grow.
Today, we went to our local hardware store to purchase corner and top molding for the "Gone With The Wind' room. The corner molding for all 4 corners of the room are in place with the exception of the top molding, the gold, gilded molding that will be put back in place below it, the floor board trim, then the fun part begins...the painting! A sign in the front window of the hardware store caught my eye, I could not help but take a picture...
Next week, new dirt will be brought into the front yard so the planting of new grass in the bare spots can begin. Be on the look out for updates. That is all for now that is going on at the Hardy Smith house. Keep checking back for more developments coming soon.
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