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Rain temporarily halts yard work at the Hardy Smith House

The yard work continues to prepare soil for seeding of beautiful grass. We got rain earlier today. John continued sifting the yard by hand at 9am today. Luckily, the rain did not hamper his efforts to continue working. More rain is forecast this afternoon so John will continue to work until the rain starts again. My wildflower green shoots are poking through the ground in the flowerbeds in greater abundance but no flowers have started to bloom yet. John's goal is to have the yard look like a golf course.  The yard will rival the finest in Dublin.

Those mounds of soil that you see were hand sifted. From the dish to almost the first window in front of the house took John almost 7 hrs to do yesterday. Keep in mind he had to tackle the weeds around all the Red Tips that you cannot really see from the picture. That took some time too. I suggested a more efficient, faster way which would yield the same results but John prefers to do things the hard way which takes LONGER to do. So I just let him do his thing.

My dog, Lady, checking out the scenery from the front porch. She loves to trot around the yard with her tail up with a happy go lucky personality. She loves to lay on the front porch with the ceiling fans going while I am sitting in the rocking chair reading and relaxing. Lady is about 13 years old now. A couple of nights ago, when we went out to dinner, Lady decided to go exploring again. We came home and Lady was nowhere in the house. I think she went to Stubbs Park. When I called her she came troting through the parking lot behind the house in the direction from the park. I couple of weeks ago, she decided to go exploring in downtown Dublin again. Luckily, she was ok and she jumped into the car. She was thirsty and glad to be home. She knows where her home is.

A couple of days ago while John was working in the yard, he saw a Red Tailed Hawk sitting high in one of our trees in the back yard with a dead squirrel under one of his talons. A gang of Mockingbirds were dive bombing the hawk in an attempt to get it to eat his meal somewhere else. The hawk would not move. Those little birds are aggressive and will do anything to defend their nests. I videotaped the hawk getting dive-bombed by a gang of punk Mockingbirds which are on John's Facebook page and may post on U-Tube shortly.

Oh, and by the way, the bats are baack!!  There were only about 5 of them and they were dealt with promptly. We did not want a new colony of bats in the attic and hopefully that will be the end of them.  That is all to report for today. The rain is about to come and time to go grab a bite to eat.  Keep checking my blog for updates as the yard work continues.

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