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Blizzard of 2010 in Dublin, GA

Hello, everyone!  I did not drop off the face of the earth.  I am back with a new entry to my blog! With the major interior renovation (electric, heat/air, plumbing upgrades) complete at the Hardy Smith house, not much has gone on except John's excavating activities in the rear part of the house. Check out his blog for his narrative on some unique and interesting finds. I took a few pictures of him in action. He is like a little boy, playing in the mud looking for that elusive Confederate gold! Those huge white rocks you see in the top left picture are flint rocks from the Oconee River. Apparently, upon discovering piles of these large rocks after being buried for a little over a 100 years, John is removing them and plans to use them in his split rail fence project. Looks as if Capt Smith brought these rocks up from the river, piled them up and built the house around them so he did not have to move them again. I won't tell you what John has found. Go visit his blog and view the pictures there. Scroll to the bottom of the main page of my blog til you find the Capt Hardy Smith house link.

Today, here in Dublin, GA, it snowed, it stuck, it was heavy, wet and the flakes big and beautiful!  It came down at a pretty good clip for about an hour and half or so.  I believe the snow started around 4 or 430pm and continued to about 7:30pm.  The forecast called for 2-4 inches. Even Savannah is forecast to get 3-6 inches of snow! The last measurable snow in Dublin I believe was back in 2002. It is very rare for snow to fall much less stick and accumulate this far south. This is my first February living in Dublin, GA. I thought I would NEVER see another significant snow event unless I went home to Indiana in the winter. Wrong!!

I was working at the computer when I heard a pecking on the window. What?! I opened the curtains, it was John alerting me to the snow coming down! He was walking Max. Excited, I jumped out of my chair, I could barely get my gloves, hat, camera, thinking I was going to miss something rare and unique..oh..and I grabbed my dog, Lady. She loves to play in snow. At first she was not sure what to do but then it came back to her. The last snow event she experienced was back in 2004, when the Midwest had that paralyzing snowstorm that left my hometown of Columbus, Indiana with 2 feet of the white stuff on the ground. Lady was out frolicking in the snow! She loved it! She did a repeat of that today! It was so cute.  I made a snowman in the front yard. Max made a few attempts of trying to knock it over! I had to throw a few snowballs at John. He did not return the favor. I wanted to make a snow angel but I thought..nah..ground too wet and muddy...John went around downtown and took a few rare pictures which no doubt he will post to his blog shortly.  

Snow has been in the national news a lot these past few days, so I guess Dublin had to get in on the East Coast action too! My sister lives in the Baltimore, MD area. She has not been able to get to work or the kids to school for about a week because of the 4 FEET OF SNOW they received last weekend and about 10 inches received on Wednesday of this week.

I just came back from being in Atlanta for the over night yesterday. I got back just in time before the weather got bad here. It was very windy driving up Wednesday. I am still working on the bathroom painting/trim work. The ceiling needs to be painted and the crown molding trim work completed. The last month, we have been doing a little bit of painting here and there. We have a few pictures and towel holders up to make it look done. We are close to completion.

So....time for a nice relaxing, WARM shower in MY new bathroom! Enjoy the pictures of today!


  1. Elizabeth,
    I love the photos, especially the one of the dog looking out. Great work on the house John, keep it up.


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